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Let’s just put it out there: You’re doing okay–no, fabulous–on paper.

You’ve got…

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The stellar dream job and the salary to match.

The well-fitted suit, tailored just for you.

The red-bottom heels, the expensive Italian leather handbag and the seemingly endless invitations to all the weekend events in the city (not that you have anyone to go with, but still).

Oh, and the ability to confidently nail your morning presentations, every single (week)day.

It’s True: You’re Undeniably Brilliant. Wickedly Resourceful. And Pretty Much A Shoe-In For Everything You’ve Ever Wanted In Life...Except When It Comes To Love.

Now, that’s not to say you’ve “failed.” Oh no, you’ve loved and loved hard. But you’ve also been hurt, too.

And, I know that in the back of your mind, there's a secret part of you that deeply craves another relationship. And, this time, one that works–and lasts.

But, it seems like there's something big missing... a real, genuine connection- both emotionally and physically. And, knowing whether you can trust him and, sometimes, whether you trust yourself and your own judgment to avoid making the same mistakes again. Am I right?

I know you want to do it right–so you only have to do it once. And, it all starts with trusting yourself enough to be open to creating deep emotional connections to find forever love. But, first, let’s take a look at what old baggage (beliefs) from past relationships may be getting in the way…

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Let’s start here. Tell Me.  Are You Maybe...

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  • Still in love with a man from your past or deeply wounded by a past relationship?

  • Hanging on for a miracle that he'll wake up and realize he's madly in love with you?

  • Feeling badly hurt by a man you dated because he disappeared without explanation?

  • Looking for freedom from the sadness, betrayal and the pain of a former lover–or lovers?

  • Struggling to open yourself up to love after a string of bad breakups?

  • Secretly convinced you’re unlovable, too complicated or too complex?

  • Afraid to show people who you really are because you’ve been let down so many times?

  • Wonder when (if ever) you’ll get over him and be open to finding true, lasting love?

    If so, I get it. If you’re like most of the single women I coach, you used to wear your heart on your sleeve...until you had it broken more than once.

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And, now you can’t help but think things like…

“How was I so blind?”

“Why can’t I just get over him?”

“Who is ever going to love me–us–after this?”

“I haven’t dated in six years. Will I ever be able to again?”

“Why is this all so hard? Was it always like this?”

“Am I ever going to find anybody?”

Or sometimes even:

“Am I even worthy of love?”

“Why do I feel invisible to men?”

“Why can’t I forgive him...or myself?”

If these sound familiar, I want you to ask yourself one question...

Are you willing to take a look at these old beliefs and create a new perspective that supports you in confidently opening your heart again on your journey to find forever love?

If you're ready, then it’s time to…

  • Stop denying yourself the love (and passionate intimacy) – and the other connections– you deserve and desire AND

  • Learn how to slowly let your guard down so you can open up your heart to love yourself, your life, and falling in love again with The Forever One

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The "Single and Over It" group coaching program is launching its beta phase on April 3, 2019 open for up to ten women who are ready to make peace with the past, break bad dating habits keeping them single, and develop a deeper understanding of how to create a remarkable, lasting relationship using a modern courtship model. I created this program because I intimately understand what it's like to deeply desire to find the forever one.

I know you’re oh-so-ready to finally find your forever person. You know in your heart it’s time. This program is designed move you to a place where you feel ready to shift your focus, thoughts, and actions toward attracting a remarkable man to love -and do life with- forever.

because… You Deserve To Feel Confident In Your Ability To Attract An Amazing Man To Share Everything From The Happy Hours To The High-Top Kitchen Table.

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This program will cover the following topics during each weekly coaching call:

WEEK 1: HEALING THE PAST + digging into the limiting beliefs brought about from former flames and reclaiming your confidence

WEEK 2: BREAKING BAD DATING HABITS (from choosing partners for all the wrong reasons to ditching your happy-to-meet-up-anytime desperate energy) so you stop attracting the wrong relationships in the first place

WEEK 3: DEFINING YOUR DESIRES to gain clarity on not only your desires for your next relationship, but for life in general

WEEK 4: MASTERING ONLINE DATING so you attract the till-death-do-us-part quality of match and how to keep him engaged in conversation

WEEK 5: NAVIGATING CONVERSATIONS so you feel confident in your communication from the very first encounter

WEEK 6: THE CORE ELEMENTS OF A REMARKABLE RELATIONSHIP –I call them the four C’s: commitment, courtship, communication and connection–and I’ll introduce to you how I teach singles a different way to date based on your own values, morals, and in alignment with your desire for love that lasts a lifetime (and not a night time).

During our time together, you will…

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  • Develop a sense of peace around your past

  • Create a plan to create closure around past relationships on your own terms

  • Cultivate a more empowering (and accurate) view of who you truly are

  • Gain clarity on your core desired feelings and your deepest desires for your next relationship

  • Finally know exactly what to do next to move that much closer to finding lasting love

  • You’ll walk away with a deep understanding of why you do what you do, confidence in your own skin, clarity on exactly who you desire to attract, and how to implement courtship principles into dating to create a truly remarkable relationship

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Program details

The “Single and Over It” program is now open for beta testers at a fraction of the investment of working with me privately. This is a six week group coaching program with weekly live virtual video calls as well as a private Facebook group for the incredible women in this program only.

*** In exchange for offering this course at a reduced rate, I ask that you complete a survey as well as participate in a target market research interview toward the beginning and end of the program.

Enrollment for this program is capped at 10 women and is available at the reduced rate of $300 while the 10 spots remain. In addition, I will be offering a VIP level of support with daily access to me as your personal wingwoman using Voxer App for texting and messaging support at the rate of $500.

As an extra special bonus for the first ten “founding members”, you will receive my 31-page "Single and Over It" guide as well as access to my very first online video course.

Interested? Book a Private Call with Laura to explore if you’re a good fit for this coaching program. Use the button below to schedule your call.