
Do you feel like your education, intelligence, professional success, and brilliance is blocking you from creating emotional connections, deeper levels of intimacy, and finding lasting love?

If so, do you find yourself…

Struggling to open yourself up to love?

Secretly convinced you’re unlovable, too complicated or too complex?

Fearing you’re too intimidating to men because of your brilliance and success?

Afraid to allow yourself to be totally vulnerable and risk heartbreak?

Wondering when (if ever) you’ll find true, lasting love?

If so, I completely understand. In fact, I’ve personally experienced each of these challenges in dating and now I help my clients embrace their brilliance instead of hiding it. I help guide my clients in discovering how (and why) their brilliance has blocked love in the past (even when they didn’t realize that their brilliance was blocking them from attracting a remarkable man).

This mentorship program will focus on why and how brilliant women block love. Specifically, during our group coaching calls, together will take a deep dive into the following areas so you learn how to embrace your brilliance to create radiant love:

TOPIC 1: Brilliance- How to own your achievements, career success, education, creativity, and intelligence (so you no longer have to downplay how incredible you truly are)

TOPIC 2: Beliefs- How to break free of the feelings that you're too intimidating, too complex/complicated, or that you feel like you’re overthinking and over-analyzing relationships

TOPIC 3: Beauty/ Femininity- How to tap into your feminine intuition, how to trust yourself again, how to allow yourself to embrace your feminine essence, especially by allowing a man to plan a date thereby creating mutual respect in the early stages of courtship

TOPIC 4: Body/ Intimacy- How to open your heart by allowing yourself to express emotions, experience vulnerability, create emotional connections, and enjoy deeper intimacy

TOPIC 5: Tapping into Your Heart & Soul’s Desires- How to get out of your head and into your heart so you can be fully present in your relationships to open your heart to loving again


This program is a monthly mentorship program where you’ll have access to two 60-minute group coaching video calls per week with me as your love mentor which will be structured to include love lessons related to the topics above and live Q&A as well as live coaching for group members in attendance. You’ll also be invited to join our private community of brilliant women in a new Facebook group reserved for active members of this program only. Replays of the recordings will be uploaded to the Facebook group.

**It’s important to note that this isn’t your average mentorship program... It’s so much more. This monthly mentorship will also include suggested practices that will be posted in the Facebook Group which may include the following: Journaling, Meditation, Affirmations, Mindset Exercises, the Use of Essential Oils to Connect to Emotions, Creating More Pleasure (and Intimacy), and access to a new workshop each month related to “The Desire Map” curriculum to help you develop a deeper understanding of creating goals with soul and living out your core desired feelings each day to create more passion, purpose, clarity, and joy in your own life.


The monthly investment for this mentorship program is $97/month for founding members who join by October 31, 2019. As of November 1, 2019, the investment for the monthly mentorship will be $149/month for all new members enrolled in 2019. Once you join, you’ll receive a renewal notice every 30-days to renew so you always have access to the trainings, community, and support during our group coaching calls. If you choose not to renew your monthly mentorship membership, you will no longer have access to the trainings, the Facebook community, coaching support, or access to any workshops other than the ones listed below as fast action bonuses for founding members.